MARLENE KAIMAN has been an educator and Guidance Counsellor in both elementary and high schools in the Ontario school system for over 35 years, with extensive experience working with young children, adolescents and young adults and their families in educational, career and personal counselling.
As the former Head of Guidance and Career Education in an Ontario high school, Marlene has advised and supported countless students and their families in various areas of need. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology, a Bachelor of Education Degree, a Specialist Certificate in Guidance, as well as Advanced Certification in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. She is a member of the Ontario College of Teachers, as well as the Ontario School Counsellors’ Association, and is currently a member of the York Region District School Board Re-Engagement team helping re-engage students who have left high school without their Ontario Secondary School Diploma. A winner of the Unsung Hero of York Award, Marlene was recognized for her excellence in the field of education due to the positive impact she had on all of her students and within the school community.
With a comprehensive knowledge of college, university and apprenticeship programs, as well as scholarships and bursary opportunities, Marlene’s expertise is invaluable to those aspiring to further their education. Assisting students with post-secondary admission applications and letters has helped them to secure admission into many excellent programs. As a career counsellor, Marlene has provided counselling to young adults and post-secondary graduates to help them explore individual career choices. Her comprehensive resume writing abilities, interview skills preparation, and job search strategies have helped her clients to secure gainful and rewarding employment.
A strong advocate for students and their families, Marlene has connected them to a vast network of resources within the school system and outside resources including educational, medical, psychological, and other supportive services. She has also co-facilitated groups dealing with anxiety, self-esteem, anger management, test anxiety, family dynamics, body image and healthy relationships. As a special focus, Marlene works with at-risk students to find them educational and career opportunities to suit their needs and aspirations. Her passion to help others has compelled her to carve out a special niche helping newcomers to Canada navigate the school system.
Marlene Kaiman has more than merely dipped her toes into the waters of career coaching and guidance – she has dived right in. With a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology, a Bachelor of Education Degree, a Specialist Certificate in Guidance, and a Certificate in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Marlene has dedicated her life to assisting others in navigating their careers. Furthermore, with over 3 decades of valuable experience as an educator and guidance counselor in The Ontario School System, at both the elementary and high school levels, Marlene has devoted her time to supporting countless students and their families with the university application process. She has always aimed to bridge a connection between her clients and her vast network of resources, including educational, medical, psychological, and other supportive services. Marlene’s devotion to career guidance and education has not gone unnoticed in her communities. A winner of the Unsung Hero of York Award, Marlene was recognized for her excellence in the field of education due to the positive impact she has on all of her students and clients. Her knowledge and skills, such as her remarkable ability to write succinct yet impressive resumes, prepare clients for interviews, and employ strategic job searching methods, are invaluable to those looking to forge a new career path. Securing gainful employment can feel alienating and stressful at times, but with Marlene guiding you meticulously and kindly through each step – it is ever attainable.
“Together, we will explore your skills, learning style and aspirations to make the best educational and career choices and help you to make decisions with the confidence to think for yourself.”
Marlene Kaiman
“Together, we will explore your skills, learning style and aspirations to make the best educational and career choices and help you to make decisions with the confidence to think for yourself.”
Marlene Kaiman

Marlene from Education and Career Solutions is extremely attentive, helpful, and supportive. I am grateful for her help in directing me to a career path that I love, and could not have found without her. She taught me how to write an effective resume and cover letter and ensured I paid attention to detail. I am very pleased an satisfied with all of Marlene’s assistance and advice.

I was privileged to obtain counselling from Mrs. Kaiman in two capacities; as a high school guidance counsellor and as a university admissions consultant. Her support as a guidance counsellor helped me clearly navigate through different career options, allowing me to make an educated decision about pursing business. Her assistance as a university admissions consultant helped me craft supplementary university applications to top Canadian business programs. Throughout my work with Mrs. Kaiman, I learned a lot about myself and gained the confidence to follow my career aspirations.
Maya Taishidler
2018 BBA Candidate, Schulich School of Business

As a high school teacher of over 30 years I believed that I understood the pathways and choices a senior high school student would have to make in grade 11 and again in grade 12. However as a parent of a 17 year old teenage boy, who was confused on what courses to take and how to follow a path to University, I felt quite incompetent when it came to charting his specific course to University. My son insisted that he make an appointment with the Head of Guidance Marlene Kaiman. Feeling slighted that my son chose another teacher to help rather than his dad I asked if I could go along, reluctantly my son agreed. I went through many feelings such as : Why couldn’t I help my son? The guidance counselor will think I am incompetent. All these fears quickly disappeared within minutes of meeting Marlene Kaiman. Her ease in dealing with my son and his nervous dad was remarkable. Marlene’s knowledge of courses along with my son’s abilities were presented in such a way that I was immediately put at ease. There was no rush to pick courses. Marlene’s knew things about my son that I didn’t, they spoke to each other with a mutual respect that was truly impressive. Marlene Kaiman took the the time to know my son the person, what he wanted in his future and presented a variety of pathways to fulfill his goal of attending University. Marlene had done her research. She understood my son’s learning style, had discussed his work habits with teachers and had compiled a few pathways that my son could choose from. After the meeting Marlene would have follow up meetings with my son to see how he was progressing. She would advocate for him in situations when needed but my son always felt he was making his own decisions. This is the gift Marlene Kaiman possesses more than all her knowledge. Her innate ability to work and teach people to think for themselves. In thirty four years of teaching I have only experienced a handful of teachers who have this skill. My son graduated high school as an Ontario Scholar and is currently finishing his last year in BSc Kinesiology at Dalhousie University. Marlene Kaiman didn’t just teach my son about picking courses she taught him how to think for himself.
Gary Armstrong
34 years of Teaching Experience

Prior to working with Ms. Marlene Kaiman I was unable to work successfully in class. I was very nervous entering my grade 11 year and failed to uphold the expectations that, both myself and my family had set. I knew I could do better but really needed help selecting appropriate courses and an effective timeline for University application. Marlene foremost respected the vision I had of myself and developed strategies to move forward in my learning, time management, and course selection. Marlene put power into my hands and told my parents ,both being high school teachers, that I was going to graduate when I was ready. This was very significant to my development academically; for once I had my own timeline. Marlene and I mutually agreed to take grade 12 English in summer school to alleviate my timetable in the fall semester when I was to take Biology, Chemistry, and Exercise Science. Today I am enrolled in multiple physiology and biology courses and have completed multiple courses with great success in the faculty of chemistry. I enter my fourth year at Dalhousie University and use many of the time management strategies Marlene and I discussed in grades 11 and 12 at Alexander Mackenzie High School. I have always had great interest in my academics but would never have achieved success at University and in grade 12 if Marlene and I had not developed my own timeline and managed my courses. Marlene tailored my scheduling to my work ethic and got the most out of what I wanted to put into my schooling, I am very grateful to have stumbled into Marlene’s office when I did. I was very scared and lacked the confidence to move forward with my education. The transition to a University that is a 21 hour drive from home can be very daunting for a grade 12 student, I am forever grateful to have successfully made this transition and will never forget my time spent with Ms. Marlene Kaiman.